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Head of School's Welcome

My School's

Emblem & Motto











'For knowledge in the cradle to take to the grave'





My School Logo - Copy.png

Our motto is:

“seek knowledge from the cradle to the grave” affirming that one should never seize to learn.


As My School becomes the first place of formal learning for our young ones, we render through our learning process the knowledge in the cradle, teaching them Islamic principles and values that will stay with them throughout their life thus they will take it to the grave. Ameen.


In our emblem, the picture of the house represents the school.


This represents the 'home away from home',

a structure of stability and constance.


It is a blue colour with a red door and a yellow window.


Blue for unity, peace, honesty & integrity;

red for love & warmth, yellow for light & knowledge.


Behind the school is a picture of a minaret of a masjid in green representing Islam as the focus of our teaching and learning process. It is the anchor of our institution.


The foliage of the tree represents

growth, learning, achieving & development; whilst the trunk of the tree represents steadfastness, firmness & verity.


The sun in yellow with Allah written in arabic inside it depicts our constant source of energy coming from Almighty Allah alone.


Our learning becomes our light only through the Mercy & Grace of Allah SWT and only for the benefit of Allah.


My School was approved by the former Roodepoort Council [now the Johannesburg Metropolitan Council] in 1999 as an EDUCARE facility. We opened our doors for the first time on 12 January 1999 and we have grown rapidly ever since. Having started with only 7 learners on the first day of opening, we grew with the Qudrah of Allah, Alhamdulillah, to 40 learners by April and 77 by September of that year. Today My School cares for 100 learners per year, with an ever increasing waiting list.


How did it all start? I needed a care facility for my youngest. Every morning when I dropped my other three children off at school, my youngest (then 3) would ask: “Where is my school?”  We were new in the Florida area when I scouted for a suitable daycare facility for her.  Unfortunately, there were no Muslim facilities to be found and the staff of the daycare centres in existence then, did not even know the meaning of the word ‘halal'.


As Allah SWT guides us, the house adjacent to ours went on sale. We bought it and decided to open an Educare facility for the Muslim comuniyy of Florida and the adjacent areas. In a period of 4 short months, my husband and I, my children and my dad transformed the house into a “school”. My dad (may Allah SWT put nur in his qabr and grant him a high abode in Jannah) made the little tables and lockers and most of the toys for the playground.


After overcoming the legal hurdles, we opened the first ISlamic Educare Centre in the Florida area, Alhamdulillah, Shukr’Allah! Barak’Allah!


When next my daughter asked: “Where is my school?”  We could show her – Here is your school! When she exclaimed:  “This is my school” – the name was born – MY SCHOOL!

And so MY SCHOOL became the “my school” of every little child who enters through its doors …


My School has hundreds of GRADUATES (completed gr R) who have attained excellent results in their respective Secular Schools and Madrassahs, Masha'allah. Shukr-Alhamdulillah. Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful, Lord of all Creation, keep us and guide us always, Ameen.


In 2012 My School could look on in pride as it’s first learners of 1999 matriculated, Alhamdulillah. Shukr-Allah. My School learners through the years became Prefects & Heads at their schools in grade 7 (completion of primary school) and grade 11/12 (completion of high school).


Today many of the learners who took their first little steps with us, are busy with Tertiary Studies at Universities across SOUTH AFRICA, some have graduated, while others have joined the workforce. Alhamdulillah. We are honoured to say that many of our learners today are huffaadh. May they all attain success in this world and the next, Ameen. Alhamdulillah.


At present from My School's first Graduates brought their own children for educaring at our facility! We thank them for their trust and support, Ameen.


By enrolling your little one, you as parents automatically become part of the "My School family". We thank you for entrusting your child in our care. We make duah that we, as parents and caregivers / teachers, unite and enjoy a long and joyous relationship in caring and educating, and that our relationship will be mutually rewarding. Ameen.







My School is an Islamic Educare Centre for 2-6 year olds established to cater for the needs of the Muslim community of our area, Alhamdulillah. We make duah that Allah SWT bestows His blessings on our endeavours and that we continue to grow from strength to strength, Aameen.

© 2022 by My School Islamic Educare.

Proudly maintained by The Staff

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